Wednesday, November 18, 2015

One Jihadi Shot Dead,As Female Suicide Bomber blew Up herself In a Paris Apartment Where Terror Suspect Live

   Fears: Armed police stop and search a man in the street near the apartment as it emerged that a female suicide bomber has blown herself up and another suspect was killed by a rooftop sniper

A female Suicide bomber blow up herself in a flat Police believed Paris terror mastermind  Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27 is hiding,one person was also shot dead by a police sniper in the apartment in an Operation involving 100 police and soldiers to hunt down Paris terror suspects 
The Swat term surrounded an apartment in the parisian suburb of saint Denis with an exchange of heavy gunfire in an Operation that began early hours of today,precisely 4.30am.

The Terrorists that Plotted the massacre of 129 were believed to be hiding in the flat, a woman inside the apartment fired AK 47 rifle at Police before blowing up herself,the woman may be Abaaoud's wife, three people who were inside the apartment were arrested alive, while a man and a woman were also arrested nearby,an innocent person walking by was shot dead in the gun battle.
Police are still trying to flush out those holed up in the building, as man hunt for one of the nine suspected massacre shooters Salah Abdeslam, 26, who is subject to International arrest Continues

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