Saturday, November 14, 2015

Update Paris Attacks: 150 killed In Paris attack As Jihadist Blow Themselves Up In Concert Hall

A soldier stands by victims in the 10th district of Paris where an AK47 wielding fanatic gunned down 11 people at a Cambodian restaurant

The Hostage situation at the Bataclan Theater in Paris ended up claiming the lives of 118 people when the terrorist activated their suicide vest ,11 people were also reported killed at a Cambodian restaurant,over 200 people are been treated of injuries while about 80 are seriously wounded.
Four of the attackers were killed in the Concert hall while 3 activated their suicide vest,and one was killed by the police.
Five Miles away  suicide bombers blow themselves up outside Paris Stadium when France was playing friendly with Germany,causing Chaos, while another suicide bomber was dead in the street of Paris.

Eyewitness said the Terrorist boasted inside the theater shouting 'Allah Akbar'  'This is four Syria' as they Open Fire.other gunmen are currently at large, as police free the remaining hostages.A state of Emergency has been declared in France, border Check has been reinstated,
This is the deadliest attack since Madrid 2004..More Pictures

Bloodied: A French policeman assists a blood-covered victim near the Bataclan concert hall following the attacks

 PARIS, FRANCE - NOVEMBER 14:  A victim's body lies covered on Boulevard des Filles du Calvaire, close to the Bataclan theatre

 French riot police appear to hold a man down on the streets of Paris, following a series of deadly attacks in the French capital
  A man lies on the ground as French police check his identity near the Bataclan concert hall following a series of terror attacks in Paris
  French special forces evacuate people, including an injured man holding his head, as people gather near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings
 French fire brigade members help an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris, France

 On guard: A machine gun-wielding police officer stands to attention on a street near the scene of the restaurant shooting
 French President Francoise Hollande declared a national state of emergency following what he called 'unprecedented terror attacks'

Spectators invade the pitch of the Stade de France stadium after two explosions were heard during the international friendly soccer France against Germany

Spectators invade the pitch of the Stade de France stadium after two explosions were heard during the international friendly soccer France against Germany

 Spectators wait on the pitch of the during the match between France and Germany at Stade de France after two suicide bombers detonated explosives outside

 French President Francois Hollande (pictured) is escorted out of the Stade de France by his security team before the end of the France versus Germany football match
French President Francois Hollande (pictured) is escorted out of the Stade de France by his security team before the end of the France versus Germany football match

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