Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait Named World Least Friendly Countries


Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have been polled as the world's least friendly countries, according to a survey carried out by expatriate website InterNations.
Gulf country Oman was, however, named as the seventh most welcoming place for overseas workers in the Expat Insider survey, which questioned 14,000 people living abroad in 195 countries.
Saudi Arabia hosts more than ten million expatriates and enforces a strict social code, which strictly separates men and women.

Many wealthier foreign workers, particularly oil workers, choose to live in compounds where social rules are less strictly enforced.
"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seems to present a true challenge for expats," said Blandine West from InterNations. 

Oil-rich Kuwait is home to 2.4 million expatriates, many of whom are blue collar workers and househelpers from the Indian subcontinent.

Kuwait has introduced a number of new laws in recent years, which expatriates say target them.
This includes legislation passed in 2013 aimed at cutting the country's overseas workforce in half by 2023.

In December 2014, a bill was passed that would prevent some expats from bringing their families to the country.

Hundreds of expatriates have also been deported for allegedly breaking traffic and labour laws.

Saudi Arabia has also faced criticism for its treatment of foreign workers.
Many victims of the kingdom's rampant execution rate have been foreigners. Human rights groups say foreign suspects are unjustly tried or forced to sign confessions in Arabic.

Last month, British grandfather Karl Andree faced the threat of flogging in Saudi Arabia after being caught with home-made wine, although he was later released by authorities.
Source Al- Raby

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