Sunday, November 15, 2015

Photo: The Face of a Paris Killer

  Wanted man: Serbian media is that one of the terrorists was 25-year-old Ahmed Almuhamed, whose Syrian passport is pictured, who blew himself at the Bataclan concert hall and is believed to have sneaked into France with another terrorist by posing as refugees from Syria.

This is the face of one of the 8 Paris killers responsible for the carnage. believed to have sneaked into Europe,from Turkey via Greece posing as refugees,the serbian Media claimed he is Ahmed Almuhamed 25.
  October 7, he had entered Serbia at Miratovce, having crossed the frontier from Macedonia. The newspaper reported that Almuhamed, applied for asylum in Serbia in Presevo before crossing into Croatia and Austria and finally France.

At least two of the terrorists is believed to have left Syria, travelled through Turkey and registered as a refugee on the Greek island of Leros on October 3 before continuing his journey northwards eventually arriving in Paris

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