Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Facebook Activates Safety Check For Nigeria After Yola Blast

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Facebook activated it's 'Safety Check' feature after Tuesday blast in Yola that killed 32 people and Injured 80,this was announced by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg early Wednesday in a post on his Facebook account.
"We've activated Safety Check again after the bombing in Nigeria this evening," Zuckerberg said after Tuesday's attack.

The  feature allows Users to Check in and alert family and friends they are safe,the website came under heavy criticism after it activated it for  Paris after the attacks but earlier never activated it for Lebanon after a similar deadly bombing.Facebook was accused of been selective ,valuing the lives of westerner more that those in other regions,an accusation Facebook denied.

"After the Paris attacks last week, we made the decision to use Safety Check for more tragic events like this going forward. We're now working quickly to develop criteria for the new policy and determine when and how this service can be most useful," Zuckerberg said.

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