Thursday, January 8, 2015

Faces of Terrorist Who Massacre 12 People In Paris Yesterday

                  Cherif Kouachi Said Kouachi
                          Cherif kouachi                        Said Kouachi

Two brothers, Said Kouachi 34 and Cherif  32 has been Identified as the gunmen who killed 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo magazine headquarters alongside their get away driver Hamyd Mourad 18
Hamyd mourad turned himself in to the police as the news about him circulated the internet,the three men are all French- Algeria Muslims , they fled the scene after the killing yesterday.
Cherif  has been sentenced to Three years in prison in 2008 for terror related offence and was let off the hook after serving 18 people connected to the two suspect at large, have been arrested.
The attack left the editor , 3 prominent cartoonist and deputy chief editor of the magazine dead.

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