Sunday, December 14, 2014

TIME Magazine name Ebola Fighters 'Person of The Year'


This year Time magazine nominated among others the Chibok girls Kidnapped by Boko Haram in April,Ferguson protesters, who took to the street protesting the killing of an unarmed black teenager Michael Brown,Barack Obama, US President and Pope Francis.

But the Person of the Year was giving to a group of people called the 'Ebola Fighters' this year.

Every year, TIME aims to give the award to "a person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year."

TIME magazine has unveil different cover of the magazine to represent different group in the fight against the disease.Ebola Survivor: Dr Kent Brantly, Dr Jerry Brown,Nurse Aid and Survivor: Salome Karwah,MSF volunteer Health Promoter: Ella Watson Stryker,and Ambulance team supervisor and survivor: Foday Galla

The reasons given for choosing this group according to Nancy Gibbs, The magazine's Editor, States
the rest of the world can sleep at night because a group of men and women are willing to stand and fight.”
“For tireless acts of courage and mercy, for buying the world time to boost its defenses, for risking, for persisting, for sacrificing and saving, the Ebola fighters are TIME’s 2014 Person of the Year,” the editor adds.
This group was chosen because this was the worst recorded outbreak ever recorded of the disease and it dominated the news this year and those who fought the disease stood great risk contracting it themselves
according to the TIME magazine's Editor the break down consist of “the people in the field, the special forces of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the Christian medical-relief workers of Samaritan’s Purse and many others from all over the world [who] fought side by side with local doctors and nurses, ambulance drivers and burial teams,” to keep the disease at bay.  

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