Sunday, December 14, 2014

Meet 17 Year old NY School Boy Who Made 72 Million Dollars Trading Stock at Break Time

 Multi-millionaire: Mohammed Islam (pictured in a Facebook photo), 17, from Queens, New York, has already made an estimated $72million - from trading stocks on his lunch breaks at Stuyvesant High School

Mohammed Islam is only 17, but now aspire to make a billion dollars by next year when he is old enough to get a licence to start a Hedge fund company with friends.
He has made about 72 million dollars trading stock during his launch break according to New York Magazine,
He attends Stuyvesant High School,from were he started with Penny stock at a young age of 9 years. and later moved to trading oil and Gold future, and small to mid-cap equities.
Mohammed is a son of immigrant from Bengal region of south Asia, he now live a little of lavish life style as a young man, with friends partying,rented a expensively furnish Manhattan apartment,Bought a BMW he does't have a licence to drive, but still a very focus boy who say he got his inspiration from 60 years old Paul Tudor Jones, an American Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager.he wrote ,"More money, Less Problem" on his Instagram profile

So inspiring

            Professional: The teenager (center, in glasses), who started dabbling in penny stocks at the tender age of nine, spends most of his school breaks trading oil and gold futures, and small to mid-cap equities

             Life of luxury: Outside of school, Mohammed (left, in an Instagram shot) often takes his friends out to dine at Morimoto on 10th Avenue, where they feast on $400 caviar, expensive dishes and fresh-squeezed apple juice

              School: During an interview for New York magazine, Mohammed refused to disclose his exact net worth, but he admitted it was in 'the high eight figures'. Above, Stuyvesant High School, where he traded stocks


           Birthday fun: The teenager revealed he had used his  wealth to purchase a BMW - which he does not yet have a license to drive - and rent a Manhattan apartment. Above, a clip from a video on Mohammed's Instagram              
           Lavish: Mohammed has also taken to social media to show off his well-funded, lavish lifestyle - regularly posting videos of him partying, playing poker (pictured) and dancing with numerous women on Instagram

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