Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Nigerian Sex Slave Trafficking Woman Blacklisted From UK Nursing Register

                     Tribunal: Mental health nurse Florence Obadiaru, 50, (pictured outside court in 2014) has been struck off for smuggling a Nigerian woman into Britain to work as a sex slave under the threat of a voodoo curse

A mental health nurse has been struck off for smuggling a Nigerian woman into Britain to work as a sex slave under the threat of a black magic curse.

Florence Obadiaru, 50, and two other traffickers from an international prostitution ring forced their 23-year-old victim to fly into Heathrow with a bogus passport in September 2011, a tribunal heard. 

Before leaving Nigeria the victim was raped and subjected to a ‘ju-ju’ death ritual where gang members told her if she did not pay them £40,000 she would die.

She was promised a job in the UK so she could repay the debt, but when she arrived she was kept at Obadiaru’s house, sexually assaulted and told she was destined to work as a sex slave in Italy.
The ‘horrific’ plan was only thwarted when Italian authorities spotted the victim's forged ID and sent her back to the UK.

Obadiaru was jailed for two years in July 2014 after being convicted of trafficking the woman into the UK for sexual exploitation and arranging for her transfer to Italy.
She has now been struck-off the nursing register after a Nursing and Midwifery Council disciplinary hearing.
Obadiaru, of Brockley, south-east London, had worked as a carer for ten years and had just finished her degree in nursing at Bedford University in Luton.
Her fellow gang members Olusoji Oluwafemi and Johnson Olayinka were jailed for six-and-a-half years and four-and-a-half years respectively in July 2014.


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