Sunday, December 27, 2015

Fixing Bad Breath

1) See Your Dentist
Bad breath is due to millions of bacteria collecting within your mouth - which can occur from numerous things you eat, bad hygiene or overall neglect. The first obvious step would be to go see your dentist! Duh, right?

2) Water Water Water

Drinking enough water causes your salivary flow to decrease, which causes a concentrated breath smell. Simply carry a bottle of water wherever you go, so there's no excuse!
3) Tongue Scrapper
Brush the tongue, it needs just as much attention as your teeth. A scraper is dedicated to removing any gunk and bacteria that is building on the surface.

4) Drink Up
This may seem strange, but having a glass of wine can cure your smelly breath! Studies found that drinking red wine in moderation can inhibit the growth of bacteria. Just make sure your drinking water after your glass, to prevent staining.
5) Avoid Coffee
There's the term "coffee breath" for a reason. So switch your morning cup of Joe green or black tea instead. Both contain polyphenols, which prevent the growth of bacteria.


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