Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rev Creflo Dollar Pleads for $65 Million to Buy a G650 Jet from Congregation

Goal: Dollar wants to spend the $65 million he hopes to make in donations on a Gulfstream G650 business jet, a plane favored by billionaires that bills itself as the fastest plane built in civil aviation

The founder of World changer Church International WCCI,Rev Creflo Dollar has urge and plead for 200,000 members of his ministry to donate $300 or more to purchase a the very latest and fastest private Jet in Civil Aviation history G650.

The 53 years old prosperity preacher in his 5 minute video posted in his website said this will enable 'World Changers Church International can continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of grace'

The prosperity preacher owns two Royce Rolls.and an estimated net worth of $27million,and a multy Million dollar home in Atlanta and New Jersey,he was arrested 2012 for hitting his 15 years old daughter.  According to the man of God the church Jet was built 1984 and purchased by the church 1999 and has logged 4million miles,it experience an engine failure during one of his overseas Trips but the pilot skillfully landed the plan without any Injuries

'Believe it or not, there are still millions of people on this planet who have never heard of Jesus Christ and know nothing of His greatness.'
'Our hearts desire to see precious lives changed and snatched out of darkness and thrust into His marvelous light! 

'We need your help to continue reaching a lost and dying world for the Lord Jesus Christ," the appeal continued before asking supporters of the ministry to sow a $300 seed into the airplane fund, billed Project G650.' 

Only few billionaires owns this G650 and a long waiting list round the world with the next round of plane not due till 2017.

Rev Dollar has 5 children with his wife Taffi, they married 1985.

  Open palm: Reverend Creflo Dollar of the World Changers Church International wants 200,000 people from across the world to each donate '$300 or more' so that he can buy the world's fastest private jet

 Battling: This notice has been posted on the church's website, pleading for donations so that Dollar can 'continue reaching a lost and dying world for the Lord Jesus Christ'

 Home: Dollar and his family primarily live in this multi-million dollar in Fayettville, Georgia, south of Atlanta 

 Couple: Dollar and his wife, Taffi (pictured together) were married in 1985 and have five children 

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