Monday, March 16, 2015

Pope Francis May resign in a few years


Pope  Francis has given a hint that he will not rule the catholic church till his death, his reign in office just turn two years.
In an Interview with a Mexican Broadcaster Televisa the Pope said “I have a feeling my pontificate will be brief,” he said.
He added, “Four or five years, I don’t know. Two years have already gone by.“It is a vague feeling I have that the Lord chose me for a short mission. I am always open to that possibility
The pope hinted that he will follow the step of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI who resign his leader ship Feb 2013 becoming the first to resign in 7 century describing it as courageous ,he also added that he was opposed to the age limit on the leadership of the catholic church.

"I share the idea of what Benedict did,” Pope Francis said. In 2013, former Pope Benedict became the first head of the Roman Catholic Church in 600 years to resign instead of ruling until he died.
“In general, I think what Benedict so courageously did was to open the door to the pope emeritus. Benedict should not be considered an exception, but an institution,” Francis said.
"To say that one is in charge up to 80 years, creates a sensation that the pontificate is at its end and that would not be a good thing,” he added.

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