Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Leading Opera Singers Maria Radner and Oleg bryjak among those that died on German wing flight 4U, 9525

             Maria RadnerOleg Bryjak

German wing flight 9525 that crash today has on board 144 passengers including 2 babies , 16 German school children and 6 crew, no one survived the crash, among the dead are two leading opera singer Maria Radner and Oleg Bryjak.

Marina Bandres Lopez-Belio, a 37-year-old Spanish women who is believe to be living in Manchester and an unnamed father of four were among the victim,the 16 German children of same class with their teachers were travelling back home from exchange programme in Spain.

The Airbus A320 crashed in the remote french alps enroute from Spain to of the black box has been found, debris  and bodies is scattered over a wide area,Air traffic controller said there was no SOS despite the Plane Nose diving from 32,000 feet in 8 minutes.

Pieces of debris, including what appear to be parts of the aircraft's orange and red tail and a wheel, are seen on the slopes of the crash site

The distinctive colours of the Germanwings plane are seen in this close-up photo of the rudder of the doomed aircraft

Windows from the Airbus A320, a model of plane known as the 'workhorse of the skies', are clearly visible on this piece of debris 

Part of the writing on the fuselage of the plane is visible on a piece of the wreckage (centre) on the mountainside

The plane's registration, which features the German flag, is clearly visible on this piece of debris

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