Saturday, March 7, 2015

Final letter of Nigerian in Indonesian death row to His Lover


Raheem Agbaje 42 old Nigeria currently awaiting execution in Indonesian for drug trafficking, has sent a final letter to his Indonesian girlfriend,angela Inta,asking her to have faith in God and be strong

“I want to thank and say goodbye to my beloved sweetheart, Angela Intan, who has stood beside me through happiness and sadness,” he said.
“Thank you for everything, for the time we spent together. Knowing and loving you has been a gift and even though it was only for a short time it has had a deep meaning in my life.”
He is been held in the prison, east java, and to be executed with 9 other convicts from philipines Australia,Ghana,Brazil France.
The president has rejected plea for clemency despite the plea from the United Nation human right office

The office message state.“There is no evidence that the death penalty deters drug crimes.”

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