Monday, March 2, 2015

10 months old child who has same weight as 6 years old girl

             Heavy child: Aliya Saleem, of Jharkhand, India, was born at a relatively large 9lbs, then began to rapidly gain weight from the age of four months

Ten month old Aliya Saleem of jharkhand India stand a great health risk, she was born 9Ibs,quite big and gained weight rapidly from 4 months old with a current weight of 2st 13Ibs  as heavy and regular weight of a six years old girl.
Her daily meal intake is tree times the normal child and the parent have buy her new cloths every two weeks putting strain into the family finances.

 The Parents are worried of the development haven lost a child a year ago to similar circumstances,Aliya's life is in danger but the parent lack money to take her for proper medical care,Doctor in their village according to Mohammed saleem the father,could not tell them what is wrong with the child but a Doctor, a consulting pediatrician outside Delhi said it could be a case of Obesity or hormonal imbalance, but a test is needed for the right diagnosis,the treatment depend on the diagnosis.

                          Mother and daughter: The average weight of a ten-month-old in the UK is 18lbs - less than half Aliya's weight

                          Biscuit break: Aliya's increasing weight is making her parents nervous about their own financial future

                           Popular with the local children: Mrs Parveen said the family 'had to buy her a new pair of clothes every two weeks because the old ones become too tight for her'

                           Medical help: Aliya's parents recently managed to get a consultation at Fortis Hospital on the outskirts of Delhi with head of paediatrics Dr Krishan Chugh (left) in a bid to try and get to the bottom of the problem

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