Friday, June 3, 2016

Two Zebra Fighting Badly Over a Waterhole In Namibia National Park

   Collision course: The two animals rammed into each other as they battled for territory next to a waterhole at a safari park in Namibia

Amateur wildlife photographer, Marianne Berger captured a dramatic moment two furious zebras went hoof-to-hoof as they squared up for a vicious territorial fight over a waterhole in Etosha National Park. is truly a vicious territorial fight over a waterhole

   Earning their stripes: Pictures captured the moment two furious zebras went hoof-to-hoof as they squared up for a vicious territorial fight over a waterhole in Namibia
   Crossing swords: The two angry stallions reared up on their back legs with each trying their best to kick and bite their opponent in the battle at Etosha National Park
   Battle lines: One of the angry zebras lunged at the other's neck as it tried to gain an advantage in the battle over the waterhole
      Counter attack: One of the zebras turns its head as the other goes on the offensive with the battle heating up in Nimibia
   Evasive action: One of the zebras charges at the flank of its rival and manages to ram its head into its side
   After the pair had finished fighting, they went their separate ways and both went over to the waterhole for a refreshing drink
   Dutch wildlife photographer Marianne Berger started taking pictures after seeing the zebras charge at one another near the Salvadora waterhole
   Leave it boys! A third zebra wanders in to see what all the fuss is about as the two warring stallions go hoof-to-hoof in the fight

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