Sunday, November 13, 2016

Search The Scripture: The Anointing.

THE ANOINTING OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - LECTURE                                                   10
                        Billedresultat for studying the bible together
The series of the Anointing  continues, i hope you enjoy reading it and most importantly benefiting from it.HAPPY SUNDAY as you read.

MEMORY VERSE: “But ye have unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things”1 John 2:20.

TEXTS:- 1 John 2:27- 29; Luke 24:49; Luke 4:18.

INTRODUCTION: New Testament believers had been up heaved by the finished work on the Calvary, so much that the power that worked in Christ Jesus earthly ministry has been given to them. In this dispensation which bible described as perilous time, it is only this power; called the anointing, that can make us survive the insurgence and wickedness of the devil. To be able to withstand the end time attacks, we need to properly understand the relevance of ministry of Holy Spirit giving us his auction to stand. Unlike the old saints in the Old Testament, which received the visitation of Holy Spirit whenever needs arises, New Testament believers have the singular honour of indwelling of blessed Holy Spirit in them. All believers of Christ have the same opportunity to operate in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

WHAT IS THE ANOINTING? “Anointing” which literary means by the laity smear or rub with oil, to pour on, for the purpose of set apart or consecration; has deeper meaning in the New Testament era: - Anointing is the supernatural empowering of the spirit of God r outstanding accomplishment.

It is the power of the Holy Spirit in mere men doing exploits. It is the high hand of God in the believers for extra- ordinary works


In the Old Testament people were not renewed in their spirit (born again) thereby it was impossible to experience indwelling of Holy Spirit. But in the New Testament born again believers are to live by the power of Holy Spirit within them.
 1. Prophets were anointed to be able to proclaim God's word-John 4:17-18.
2. Kings were anointed to rule-Rom.5:17.
3. Sick were anointed for healing-Mark 6:13.
4. To preach/minister to the poor in spirit- Luke 4:18.
5. To heal the broken hearted.
6. To set the captive free from their captors.
7. To deliver the oppressed- Acts 10:38
8. To open the spiritually blind eyes to see the truth of the scripture.
9. To give comfort to the down trodden ones and rise them up.
10. To carry out the ministry work- Gal.2:8; 1Jn.2:20-27; Acts 20:28.
11. To have power to be effective witness-Acts 1:8
12. To enable us to share the good news about Jesus- Acts 8:5-7. 13.
To proclaim freedom for the prisoners-Luke 4:18.
14. To bring recovery of the sight for the blind- Luke 4:18.
15. To release the oppressed- Luke 4:18.
16. To proclaim the Lord's favour and grace.
17. To be benefactors, doing good to needy people- Acts 10:38


1. Anointing is to empower-Rom.15:19; Acts 1:8.
2. Is to enable believers to witness to the world about Jesus Christ- Mk. 16:18
3. Anointing is the teacher and revealer of all things to believers- John 14:26.
4. Anointing fills and refill us- Eph.5:18; Acts 2:4.
5. Anointing empowers us for the work of the ministry- Acts 10:38.
6. Anointing of the Holy Spirit quickens our mortal bodies- Rom.8:11.
7. It is the power in us- Rom. 8:9; John 14:17.
8. Anointing brings liability to us- 2 Cor.3:17.
9. The power of the anointing gives transformation-2Cor.3:18.
10. Holy Spirit anoints us to reveal the mystery of God to us- Eph.2:22.
11. The power of anointing gives us quick understanding- John.14:26.
12. It strengthens our spirits- Eph.3:16.
13. It enables us to know that Jesus abides in us- 1 John 3:24; 4:13.
14. It enables in us to, in the arena of signs and wonders- Acts 2:43
15. Anointing moves us to the realm of supernatural- 2 Pet.1: 21.
16. It gives the ability to know the things of God- 1 Cor.2:11
17. Anointing empowers us to cast out demons- Matt.12:28
18. It enables us to operate in the place of Jesus Christ- Rom.8:9
19. It gives access to God- Eph.2:18.
20. It gives liberty- 2 Cor.3:17.
21. It gives life- 2 Cor.3:6. (New testament anointing)
22. How much anointing you carry upon and within you determines the quality of life you live.
23. The new birth is the starting point in our journey into the power of God.
24. Your personal encounter with the father will determine the level of unction.
25. Baptism is a form of initiation, the anointing is the enabling- Matt. 3:11
26. The spirit has come to display almighty power so that the weak may be made strong and to bring to sickness such a manifestation of the blood of Christ, of the atonement on Calvary that the evil power of disease is conquered and freed to leave.
27. Anointing is a force, a power mightier than dynamite that is stronger than the mightiest gun that has ever made.
28. It is able to resist the greatest pressure that the devil can bring.
29. Mighty power has no might against this almighty power.
30. Being drunken with the spirit generates a special order of joy, which springs up endless melodies in your heart- Heb.1:9.
31. If you are connected to God and connected to His Holy Spirit, you don't need any human connection on this earth, you climb to the topmost top in your life- 2 Cor.1:21; Heb.1:9.
32. When we are in the spirit, we are unconquerable, invulnerable, going from victory to victory, our life hid with Christ in God.
33. Anointing of the spirit only comes with obedience.
34. The anointing and the great commission go together. (To evangelise).
35. The anointing prevents retrogression or stagnation, while at the same time unsure progress- Isa.10:27.
36. It is impossible to be truly liberated from sin without the help of the spirit of God. John 16:8
37. The grandeur of your destiny notwithstanding your destination is not sure without the unction of the Holy Spirit- Acts 4:31.
38. The Holy Ghost gives the believers a refreshing that cannot be dammed by helping him to see the goodness of God, even in very adverse situation- Eph. 5:18-20.
39. It takes being drunk in Holy Ghost to flow in the fountain of joy, as Holy Spirit represent the river of joy that flows in the midst of the tabernacle. Acts 2:15-17.
40. The Holy Spirit resting upon the word of God is operational inside of you is what brings your enemy under your feet. Dan. 11:32.

1. You are anointed for Christian ministry while you live in this world-
11:12-16; Acts 1:4-8; Rev.2:7, 11, 17, and 29.
 2. You are anointed to be empowered to accomplish God's will, enabled, and entrusted-Luke 24:49. 3. To be able to testify of the truth- 1 John 5:6.
4. To be able to discern truth- 1 John 2:27.
5. To be able to pray- Rom. 8:39; Eph.6:18.
6. To live righteous life. Rom. 8:4.
7. To be strengthened with power in your inner being- Eph.3:16.
 8. To be lead by God- Rom. 8:9.
9. To live in joy- Rom. 14:17.
10. To live in hope- Rom. 15:13.

 IN CONCLUSION: For New Testament believers anointing is all you need to make life worth living especially in this wicked world. True anointing is the power and influence of the Holy Spirit saturating and permeating a person; every believer of Christ need to flow and move in the anointing; it is for all not for privileged few. It is your right, try and purge yourself to flow in the anointing of the New Testament

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