Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Photos: Germany Unveils New anti Terror Cop and Equipment

   Hamburg city fathers have spent £3.9 million providing new equipment for their anti-terrorist police officers           Hamburg city fathers have spent £3.9 million providing new equipment for their anti-terrorist police officers 

Hamburg has spent £3.9 million equipping its anti terror officers with new equipment over fears of jihadi-style attacks. Officers from the BFE arrest unit displayed their new Haenel assault rifles and heavy-duty ballistic protection helmets and body armour at a special press conference in the city.

 The officers will be transported in new Survivor 1 vehicles which can cope with chemical or biological attack 
      The officers will be transported in new Survivor 1 vehicles which can cope with chemical or biological attack 

                             The new helmets and body armour are capable of stopping a bullet fired by a Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle 

 In July, Hamburg decided to invest in a further 280 assault rifles for their police officers to counter the ongoing terror threat
 ISIS has claimed several attacks in Germany since the summer claiming the life of one 16-year-old boy in Hamburg
                               Officers have been equipped with new Haenel assault rifles and heavy-duty body armour and helmets for added protection

 The ISIS news agency Aamaq has sent a number of threats to Germany claiming their terrorists will target the country 


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