A decapitated head of a man was found today on a fence of the headquarter of American owned Air Products, in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, near the city of Lyon, in the south east of France.
The death of the man is believed to be as a result of several explosion ingnited by the terrorist by small gas bomb in the factory that injured many factory workers.the bomb was believed intended to blow up the entire factory.
The head of the victim was found hanging 30 metres away from the body covered with black and white flag with Arabic writings
A 30 years old man identified as
Yassine Salhi ,father of 3 has been arrested at the scene,he is known to the security service since 2006,he told the police that he is a member of Islamic state terror group.A second suspect who is believed to have driven the Ford fusion car around the factory before the explosion took place is also arrested